1. Positive: News is spread faster and more easily accessible/understandable.
1.1. The Philip DeFranco Show on YouTube is a news channel run by one man, which gets more views per an episode than many major T.V. news channels. By spreading unbiased (for the most part), multi-perspective news through the means of YouTube, DeFranco is able to reach a wider audience and spread awareness faster. (Chmielewski)
1.1.1. LA Times article on Philip DeFranco's influence. (External Link) YouTube gives wacky anchorman Philip DeFranco greater exposure How social media is reshaping news This article explores the overall impact that social media has on how news is accessed, showing that around 30% of the general American population get their news from Facebook, while around 10% get their news from YouTube (Anderson, Caumont).This access to information not only broadens how news is received and delivered while making it interactive, but it also, to an extent, redefines news in and of itself. Evidence: I get my news online. I am a stat. Great job. -Ally This raises awareness, and keeps journalism relevant despite the changing times. _tiffany Great job! You answered my question. _Tiffany
1.2. _Preetha: How does this channel reach larger audiences? Maybe because the new generation doesnt read the newspaper or news channel, so outlets such as these provide the people with information about whats happening. _Tiffany
1.3. News might spread out faster, but that isn't positive all the time. Audrie Pott was a student from Saratoga High School who committed suicide, because of photos of her that got leaked to students from her school. -Rikki
2. Positive: Heightens connections between similar individuals.
2.1. Social media lets patients with similar medical conditions reach out to one another, forming support groups to ultimately feel less alone. For example, the Cancer Support Community, which offers an online support group, where individuals suffering from cancer can reach out to both professionals and peers to find comfort and education. They also have a Facebook group with around 40,000 followers.
2.1.1. https://www.cancersupportcommunity.org/online-cancer-support The communities that form through social media can connect any people group, whether they be going through a physical or mental illness and need to cope, or if they want to find people with similar interests; social media communities make individuals feel less alone and more accepted. On the Contrary, it has been shown that those who spend more time on social media tend to feel more isolated. Feeling Lonely? Too Much Time On Social Media May Be Why - Diya So this is the situation when sick individuals have little interaction with others because of their disease, so they turn to social media for support? _TIFFANY
2.2. What do they get from this connection they cant get in person? Maybe because your condition may be rare and there is no support from the people near you. By connecting to others, the field of medicine can expand its horizon and learn about conditions from around the world easily. _Tiffany
3. Negative: Gives more power to corporate America, as they exploit individuals through social media.
3.1. Social media companies make money based on how many users use their site; therefore, they're willing to go to any lengths to get their users and ultimately their money. They do this by making social media highly customizable, to the point where individuals feel they have power over their accounts/their lives, when really they're playing into the system.
3.1.1. "Consequently, [social media sites] give users unlimited storage space for all their media and the ability to customize their online lives" (Manovich) By attracting their users/customers in this way, social media sites are giving their users a false sense of control over their lives, as well as the ablility to make an "online life" which is only a lense into their actual lives; it is due to this that people ultimately lose their individuality, their self worth, and their sense of realtiy/
4. Negative: Addiction to social media sites leads to individuals living in only their virtual worlds.
4.1. A teenager who was constantly on social media, Khloe reached out to Dr. Phil for help after realizing that her dependence and obsession with her phone was actually an addiction that was robbing her of a real life. Not only was she spending all day online, feeling happy whenever her posts got liked, but she also had violent outbursts when she was not connected to social media. (The Dr. Phil Show)
4.1.1. (The Dr. Phil Show) How to Prevent Social Media Depression: Tips For Limiting Your Social Media Use Social media addiction first and foremost has a personal, psychological effect, which can come in the form of depression, anxiety, or complete loneliness. However, social media addiction also paints a picture of the kind of society that is currently being formed, one where living virtually is not only a desire, but a necessity, so much so that many people form a high reliance on social media websites. I think so too, social media is changing the way of life. I would rather have broken bones than to be addicted to social media. _TIFFANY
4.2. Is it a problem of addiction taking over her life, or her self esteem issues? They say people who cannot find success in their real lives, seek short-term reassurance online. _TIFFANY
5. Positive: Makes communication/collaboration easier.
5.1. Buffer is a company that creates software which manages accounts in social networks, and they themselves would be nowhere without social media. In order to run a business, communicating to one another and collaborating on different ideas is key; social media, whether it be Twitter or Facebook or Linkedin, makes it all the more simple for Buffer employees to keep in touch with one another. (Lee)
5.1.1. Collaboration Tools for Social Media Teams - Buffer Blog https://itstillworks.com/12255289/what-are-the-benefits-of-communication-technology Social media not only heightens communication ease in the work place, but it is also more accessible and customizable, as well as more able to reach beyond the space and time boundaries that are set in some families or friendships. Ultimately, it changes the way we communicate so that it is less commitmental, nonverbal, and easier to work around. People can find one another and stay in touch, prolonging relationships and mending old scars. Evidence : Messenger -Ally _Preetha: How does it make communication easier? Any system or application in particular?-----------------------Great description of how social media prolongs relationships.
5.1.2. Can that communication channel cause miscommunication amongst the different people? How detrimental would it be to the business? -Rikki
5.2. - Preetha: How is the convenient aspect of communication influenced by Buffer. It is a company that creates software, but what makes this company special compared to other companies. _ Tiffany
6. Positive: Can help expand a business.
6.1. Zappos is an online clothing company, and they use a customer-involved method to keep their company successful. Through the use of Facebook, Zappos has a “fan page” for customers who want to be fans, then post a “fan of the week” once a week. This strategy in using social media has helped their company grow so much, to where they are now worth over 800 million dollars. (Porterfield)
6.1.1. 9 Companies Doing Social Media Right and Why Why Competition Is Good For Hip-Hop -- And Business With social media, companies have the ability to start and expand quickly; this leads to a rise of businesses in society. Ultimately, the increased number of businesses creates competition, which can lead to innovation, better customer service, and a more targeted audience or individual companies. (Robehmed) Absolutely, social media has expanded the field of advertising. Like in the packet Michelle gave us, social media (the web) has assisted the evolution of modern advertisement and making a convenient product that benefits the customer. Now Auto delivery exists and the industry has changed. _TIFFANY
6.2. Thats really cool, I heard that companies start out believing that social media is going to increase their audience, but with all the competition, how much are they really getting? _TIFFANY
7. Negative: Individuality/authenticity is lessening.
7.1. Ben Jacobs was an active Twitter user until June of 2016, when he took a break and found that his constant need to satisfy others on Twitter had left him with no sense of self. All he truly cared about was the number of comments and retweets he got, not what he was truly saying or what he actually believed. (Blair)
7.1.1. One man quit social media for good and the results were liberating In Jana Webb's TED talk, Webb explores the societal impact of striving to reach an unattainable goal for oneself. Individuals start forming their lives around a notion of instant gratification, where they lose sight of who they actually are and instead try to reach an ideal of who they are told to be by everyone else, leading to an endless cycle of depression then seeking comfort in social media. (Webb) Are these unattainable money, or success, personality or just based on appearance? -TIFFANY
7.1.2. This is similar to addiction the 17 year old girl had. This guy is more of a severe case where he might base his accomplishments or value on the number of friends he has. _TIFFANY
8. Negative: Lack of true human connection.
8.1. In social media historian Allison Graham’s TED talk, she explores how social media makes individuals less social, stating that despite the number of friends one has accumulated on their social media sites, that can often be the only thing they hold onto, making them lonely in their actual day to day life. (Graham)
8.1.1. (Graham) Researchers link use of Internet, social isolation While it may seem outdated, physical human contact and connection lends itself to better learning, more overall understanding of others and self, as well as felt experiences/memories. With overuse of technology and social media, even though it has the ability to connect so many individuals, it can also lead to social isolation, as people spend most of their time online; eventually, people lose touch with their families and friends in real life, and feel alone rather than truly connected. I completely agree, people create a false sense of connection when they spend too much time on a their online persona. _TIFFANY
8.2. In what aspect does Social media make people less social: when you are on your phone when with friends, or choosing to spend time on social media rather than visiting friends? _TIFFANY
9. Positive: Definition of art is evolving.
9.1. Social media has led to art's value being questioned, but in reality nothing more has happened than art being redefined. No longer is art only a "professional" matter, now anyone who does, in fact, create is considered an artist; artists are motivated to put their work out there, even if they are amateurs. The appreciation of art as a whole has gone up, and that is what's important.
9.1.1. "In the case of social media, the unprecedented growth in the number of people who upload and view each other's media has led to a lot of innovation" (Manovich) Evidence: Graphic Design, more editing capabilities, different animation styles Maybe expand of Kjlon? -Ally Ultimately, this redefinition of art leads to greater output in art, and greater innovation because of that. The more competition there is, the more likely individuals will try hard to achieve new lengths in their own art. Definitely! Through social media people have expanded their fields and can collaborate with others more efficiently. This is related to the packet Michelle gave us, about how artists can now work together through social media/ appreciate and comment on work. This also lead to a new platform for artists to express themselves, so amateurs can have an audience. How does social media help communication? Is it more convenient/ less pressure/ more casual?_TIFFANY
10. Negative: Cyber-bullying has become an epidemic.
10.1. A teenager in Texas was relentlessly bullied online by peers who would create fake Facebook accounts just to ridicule her about her physical appearance. This non-stop bullying ultimately forced the young girl, Brandy Vela, to take her own life. (Hassan)
10.1.1. (CNN) (nobullying.com) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3477910/ The implications of cyberbullying on society are massive. Around 50% of youths who use Facebook have experienced some form of cyberbullying (nobullying,com) and in a public health journal, the use of technology and social media has been linked to suicidal tendencies, in large part due to cyberbullying. Lives can be lost at the expense of bullies behind a screen. People are so mean. SO much hate in the world. What about social media pressures these kids to cause self harm? Is it self esteem, or the new standard of being normal; has social media become a completely new factor that gives value to individuals? _TIFFANY