Some one says something mean to you

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Some one says something mean to you by Mind Map: Some one says something mean to you

1. ignorer them

1.1. go home

1.1.1. build up anger

1.2. repress it

1.2.1. build up anger

1.3. beat some one else up

1.3.1. go to jail

1.3.2. get hated by that person

2. say some thing

2.1. lead to convertaion

2.1.1. hatred towards another person

2.2. start saying something back

2.2.1. big arugument fight security cussing

2.3. fight

2.3.1. go to jail

2.3.2. brusies

2.3.3. pain

3. smack them

3.1. fight

3.1.1. police get called

3.1.2. go to jail

3.2. walk away