Learner Centered Syllabus

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Learner Centered Syllabus by Mind Map: Learner Centered Syllabus

1. Definition

1.1. The syllabus is to communicate information about the course, the instructor, learning objectives, grading policies, due dates, a university's academic integrity, and some other features. In the case of a learner centered syllabus the following features must be included.

1.2. Rational for course objectives and assigments.

1.3. Shated decision making

1.4. Warnings of a potential pitfall

1.5. An opportunity for students to set teacher expectations

1.6. Recommendations for staying on track

2. Process Oriented Syllabus

3. References

3.1. Bart, M. (2015, July 29). A Learner-centered syllabus helps set the tone for learning. Retrieved from A Learner-Centered Syllabus Helps Set the Tone for Learning

3.2. n.a. (n.a.) Student centredness. Retrieved from Advantages of a Student-Centred Curriculum

3.3. n.a.(2017, October 31). Advantages and Disadvantages of Student Centered Learning . Retrieved from http://evaeducation.weebly.com/uploads/1/9/6/9/19692577/advantages_disadvantages_st.pdf

4. Examples

4.1. Item 3

5. Advantages

5.1. It is focused on the student.

5.2. Enhances academic achievement and promotes the development of important learning skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, and the ability to cooperatively work with others.

5.3. Centered on more relevant issues.

5.4. The development of more instruments that help teachers become more efficient.

5.5. A stronger demand on universities to define the requirements more thoroughly.

6. Disadvantages

6.1. Take a long time for teachers so that teachers in general do not want to use cooperative learning.

6.2. It requires special skills of teachers so that not all teachers can do or use of cooperative learning.

6.3. Specific nature of student demands, such as the nature likes to work together.