Teaching, Learning and Devo

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Teaching, Learning and Devo by Mind Map: Teaching, Learning and Devo

1. Week 5

1.1. Constructivisim

1.1.1. Learning through challenging misconceptions

1.1.2. Problem solving

1.1.3. Inquiry

1.1.4. Critical Thinking

1.1.5. Seeing Multiple Perspectives

1.2. Universal Design for Learning

1.2.1. Multiple Means of Representation

1.2.2. Multiple Means of Action and Expression

1.2.3. Multiple Means of Engagement

1.3. Bloom's Taxonomy

1.3.1. Knowledge

1.3.2. Comprehension

1.3.3. Application

1.3.4. Analysis

1.3.5. Synthesis

1.3.6. Evaluation

1.4. Zoe Branigan-Pipe - Letting Students Hack Their Lesson Plan

2. Week 6

2.1. Backwards Design

2.1.1. Start with Overall Expectations

2.1.2. Design a curriculum based on what you want the students to understand at the end of the course

2.1.3. Adjust and adapt the curriculum to student needs and to your overall expectations

2.2. How to Assess

2.2.1. Self-Assessment

2.2.2. Opportunities for Improvement

2.2.3. Student Friendly Language in Rubrics

2.3. Three Kinds of Assessment

2.3.1. Diagnostic Assesement

2.3.2. Formative Assesement

2.3.3. Summative Assessement

3. Week 7

3.1. Inteligence

3.1.1. 8 Different categories

3.1.2. Groups of intellectual behaviours Conitive Learning Temperament

3.1.3. Important Theorists Gardner Theory of Multiple Intelligneces Inteligence as a structures Sternberg Intelligence as a process Triarchic theory

3.2. Education

3.2.1. Evolution - Normal vs Spec Ed Exceptionalities High-Incidence Exeptionalities Low-Incidence Exceptionalities

3.2.2. Integration - Child adapting to system

3.2.3. Inclusion - Everyone involved Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) ADD ASD Gifted or Talented Mild Intellectual Disability Specific Learning Disorders

4. Week 8

4.1. Socioeconomic Status

4.1.1. The largest impact on how well students do in school

4.1.2. Affects development and Learning

4.2. Multiculturalism

4.2.1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1110&v=D9Ihs241zeg

4.2.2. Diverse

4.2.3. Everyone Matters

4.2.4. No Discrimination

4.2.5. Inclusion of Aboriginals in Education

4.2.6. Culturally Responsive Teaching

4.2.7. Risks to not being accepting Stereotype Threat Prejudice Offensive

5. Week 9

5.1. Standardized Tests

5.1.1. Grade 3 EQAO

5.1.2. Grade 6 EQAO

5.1.3. Grade 9 EQAO

5.1.4. Grade 10 Literacy

5.2. Types of Tests

5.2.1. Criterion-Reference Based on grades

5.2.2. Norm-Reference Based on Percentile

6. Since I came to Canada in Grade 6, I never had the opportunity to do the Grade 3 EQAO. I wonder how much detail the require the students to know going into that test

7. This is the same concept as the MCAT

8. Since taking Aboriginal studies, I truly recognise that our curriculum does not include the point of view of Aboriginals.

9. I grew up in Flemingdon Park. This neighborhood is very poor and has many shootings, stabbings, and sexual assaults in a year. Gangs are such a common thing. While my older brother was involved with the gangs, he always protected me and it is for that reason I am on my second degree. My brother who is 3 years older than me originally dropped out of high school but because he saw how well I was doing in school, it motivated him to finish high school and he is now on his second year of undergrad. I am forever grateful for my brother always having my back and protecting me.

10. Since I have partial ADD, I can relate to the active students who can't sit still and constantly want to do something.

11. I feel this is very important because I would always look at a rubric and when I see technical words I automatically put it away and never read it. If a student finds their grading scheme to be too complicated, they will be turned away from the project because it will seem complicated

12. This was one of my favorite videos to watch because I was learning about backwards design and allowing students to learn about their passion, but I never saw it in real life. As a result, I though that the teachings are not practical. After seeing this video, I was very happy to see that the concepts are actually very applicable and helpful to students.

13. If the students are not challenging their misconceptions, then they are simply memorizing the answer we want. I feel this is a very fundamental point in teaching and should be one of our top priorities.

14. Week 1

14.1. Educational Psychology

14.1.1. Four common places of education Teacher Topic Setting Student

14.1.2. Central Topics Learning and Cognition Development Social and Cultural Influences Motivation Behaviour/Classroom Management Individual Differences Assessment and Evaluation Teaching and Instruction Psychological Foundations of Curricula

14.1.3. Instructional Approaches Teacher-Centered Approach Student-Centered Approach

14.1.4. Research Methods Quantitative Research Qualitative Research

14.2. Types of Planning

14.2.1. Curricular Planning

14.2.2. Instructional Planning

15. Week 2

15.1. Research Methods

15.1.1. Quantitative Research

15.1.2. Qualitative Research

15.2. Instructional Approaches

15.2.1. Universal Design for Learning

15.2.2. Differentiated Instruction

15.2.3. Response to Intervention

15.3. Developmental Changes

15.3.1. Physcial

15.3.2. Cognitive

15.3.3. Social

15.4. Principles of Development

15.4.1. Orderly progression/gradual process

15.4.2. Periods of rapid and slow growth

15.4.3. Quantitative and Qualitative changes

15.4.4. Individuals develop at different rates

15.4.5. Nature vs Nurture influence

16. Week 3

16.1. Cognitive Approach

16.1.1. Learning through developing new schemas and assimilating

16.1.2. Every Student learns in their own way. They require their own method of active participation in learning

16.2. Behaviourist Approach

16.2.1. Reinforcement and Punishment used as a tactic for learning

16.2.2. Operant Conditioning

16.2.3. Student behaviour reinforced for class management

16.3. Constructivist Approach

16.3.1. Student-Centered Learning

16.3.2. Each student learns in their own method

16.3.3. Students learn through challenging their misconceptions

16.3.4. Zone of Proximal Development

16.3.5. Collaborative Learning

17. Week 4

17.1. Effects of teacher on Student Achievment

17.1.1. Classroom and Curriculum design

17.1.2. Employ Instructional Strategies

17.1.3. Classroom Management Techniques

17.2. Different Taxonomies

17.2.1. Bloom's Taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

17.2.2. Stiggin's Taxonomy of Achievement Targets Knowledge Reasoning Skills Products Attitudes and Disposition

18. In My Opinion, this is the better of the two

19. Engagement and Inclusion should be the center of the design