PowerPoint By: Saila Chain

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PowerPoint By: Saila Chain by Mind Map: PowerPoint By: Saila Chain

1. Adding images to a slide in a PowerPoint presentation

1.1. Adding images to a slide in a PowerPoint presentation

2. Adding animations to bulleted lists in PowerPoint slideshows.

2.1. Under the "Animations" tab, click on "Custom Animations". (Click here)

2.2. In the tool box on the right side of your screen, click on "Add Effect". (Click here)

2.3. Here you can change the way your text enters the screen or leaves the screen during your presentation.

3. Printing your Microsoft PowerPoint slideshow

3.1. To print your slides in a handout format (useful in the classroom), use the following steps:

3.2. Click on "Print" under the start button.

3.3. Under the "Print what:" title, you can drop down to choose "Handouts".

3.4. You may also manipulate the number of slides that will print on one sheet of paper. (Click here)

4. Viewing your document as a presentation.

4.1. If you wish to view your presentation at any time, click on the slideshow button on the lower right hand side of your screen.

5. Choosing a design for your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation

5.1. Click on the "Design" tab and choose from many different styles

6. Choosing a layout for a slide in your PowerPoint presentation.

6.1. Under the "Home" tab, within the "Slides" group, click on the drop down arrow next to "Layout". (Click here)

6.2. This allows you to choose how the text on your slide will be arranged.

7. Saving a document: PowerPoint 2007 Presentation v.s. PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation

7.1. If you save your document as a "PowerPoint 97-2003 document" this will allow you to open the document in the older version of PowerPoint, as well as the newer 2007 version. This is handy if you are sending your document to others and do not know which version of PowerPoint they have. If you save your slideshow as a "PowerPoint Presentation" it will only be available to the newer 2007 version of PowerPoint. (Click here)