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Laws are..... 저자: Mind Map: Laws are.....

1. A set of enforceable rules

1.1. Imposed on all members of society

1.2. tradition, culture, values

1.3. enforced through the court

1.4. Everyone is held accountable to the same laws

2. officially recognised and binding

2.1. apply to everyone

3. Enforced by persons or organisations

3.1. police and/or courts

4. Fair and equal

5. a tradition carried throughout history

6. Provides punishment for those that don't follow the rules/law

6.1. prison and/or fines

7. made by the government or judges in courts

8. there is common law (made by judges)

9. Fair and everyone is required to abide by

10. Known

10.1. cannot be made in secret

11. The law is a dynamic thing.

12. relevant in today's society

13. Regulations

14. Necessary for the normal function of society

15. a guidline

16. rules that are maintained and enforced that dictate how society runs.

16.1. create justice

17. it provide equality

18. Required to follow

19. reflective of society's views

19.1. Necessary


20.1. don't drink and drive.