Women of Worth President

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Women of Worth President 저자: Mind Map: Women of Worth President

1. Designer

1.1. Planner

1.2. Creative

1.2.1. Art

1.3. Fashion

1.3.1. Fashion designer

1.3.2. Sales Representative

1.3.3. Manger

2. Event Planner

2.1. Organizer

2.2. Money

2.3. Production

2.4. Promotion

2.4.1. Flyer Creative

3. Activities

3.1. Planner

3.2. Energy

4. Social Media

4.1. Intagram

4.1.1. Trendy

4.1.2. Photographer

4.2. Twitter

4.2.1. short and sweet

4.3. Good Writer

5. Recruiter

5.1. Contacts

6. Decision-making

7. Fundraiser

7.1. Time

7.2. Connections

8. Leader

8.1. Manager

8.2. Teamwork

8.2.1. Team builder Motivational Leader

8.3. Hard-worker

8.4. Dedication

8.5. understanding

9. Empowers

9.1. Speaker

9.2. Blogger

9.3. Motivation

9.3.1. Motivational Speaker

10. Treasurer

10.1. Good with money

10.1.1. Banker

10.2. Inovative

10.3. Resourceful

10.4. Sales

10.4.1. Sales Manager

11. Dedication

11.1. Hardworker

12. Understanding

12.1. Counselor

13. Supportive

13.1. Leader

14. Teacher

14.1. Educator