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health issues 저자: Mind Map: health issues

1. Lifestyle

1.1. lifestyle choices can effect health

1.1.1. smoking increases the risk of; lung cancer, heart disease and stroke

1.1.2. drinking too much alcohol increases the risk of: certain cancers, obesity, heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes

1.1.3. lack of excersize can increase risk of; obesity, heart disease and stroke and type 2 diabetes

1.1.4. Exposure to certain common viruses increases risk of certain cancers e.g. HPV to cervical cancer.

2. Stress

2.1. stress occurs due to life situations such as exams or family deaths etc.

2.2. can cause depression, heart disease, increase risk of obesity, diabetes

2.3. blood vessels constrict and blood pressure increases

3. Health

3.1. mental health

4. Diet

4.1. poor nutrition contributes to the risk of diseases

4.1.1. High fats/sugar diets can cause; high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, stroke, eating disorders, type 2 diabetes

4.1.2. low calcium diets can cause osteoperosis

4.1.3. processed food can increase the chance of certain cancers

5. Disease

5.1. communicable

5.1.1. eg. Measles,HIV, Chicken pox

5.1.2. infections diseases that can be passed from person to person directly or indirectly

5.2. non-communicable

5.2.1. eg. CHD, cancer

5.2.2. chronic diseases are not passed from person to person (they are usually slow progressing)

5.3. zootonic diseases are infectious diseases of animals that can cause disease when transmitted to humans