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Computers 저자: Mind Map: Computers

1. Forum Posts

1.1. Typing practice

1.1.1. http://www.freetypinggame.net/default.asp

1.2. Family tree

1.2.1. http://www.geni.com/tree/start

1.3. Web page

1.3.1. http://zarminas.googlepages.com/

2. Applications used

2.1. Google pages

2.2. Microsoft office

2.3. Google sketchup

2.4. Windows movie maker

2.5. mind meister

3. Tutorials

3.1. screen grabs

3.1.1. http://dennisgdaniels.thinkingdistance.org/mod/resource/view.php?inpopup=true&id=180

3.2. How to add call outs to Power point.

3.2.1. http://dennisgdaniels.thinkingdistance.org/mod/resource/view.php?inpopup=true&id=165

3.3. Sketch Up

3.3.1. http://dennisgdaniels.thinkingdistance.org/mod/resource/view.php?inpopup=true&id=157

4. Quizzes

4.1. History of Computing

4.2. Hardware

4.3. Key Commands

4.4. Computer Basics

4.5. Internet Literacy Quiz

4.6. More Basics About Computers

4.7. Computer Vocabulary Quiz

4.8. Computer Vocabulary

4.9. Computer Networks

4.10. Simulations

4.11. Computer Basics: The Mystery of the CPU Unveiled!

4.12. Networks

4.13. Computer Vocab Revisited