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Democratising Knowledge 저자: Mind Map: Democratising Knowledge

1. Conferences

1.1. Partner with universities

1.1.1. University of Bristol

1.1.2. University of Cambridge

1.1.3. London School of Economics

2. Think tank and on field research

2.1. Network with Brussels (EU Commission)

2.2. Travel with a purpose

2.3. Making invisible problems - visible

3. Volunteer Crowd

3.1. Multiplicators around the World

3.2. Found different Democratising Knowledge hubs in different cities/universities

3.2.1. University of Bristol

3.2.2. London School of Economics

3.2.3. Oxford University

3.2.4. Cambridge

3.2.5. Canterbury

4. Blockchain Crowd Funding

4.1. Social Program Financing

4.2. Research & Innovation Grants

4.3. ICO Offerings for Special Projects

5. Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter?)

5.1. How to argue/debate

5.1.1. Logical Fallacies

5.1.2. Research Bias

5.2. How to influence public policy

5.3. Important social/political problems

6. Web Platform

6.1. Fostering debate and discussion

6.2. Facebook for social entrepeneurs

6.3. Buy domain

7. New Data Base Application

7.1. Accredited Institutions NGOs

7.2. Academic Research and Collaboration

7.3. Foundations and Grant Programs

7.4. Young Accredited Leadership Program