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Procurement 4.0 저자: Mind Map: Procurement 4.0

1. Technology

1.1. Systems do not match needs

1.1.1. Solution Selection Support

1.1.2. AMOA

1.1.3. AMOE

1.1.4. System Integration

1.1.5. Hotline

1.1.6. System Administration

1.2. No synthetic data view

1.2.1. Spend Analysis

1.2.2. Master Data Cleansing

1.2.3. Categorization Reengineering

1.3. No budget for IT projects

1.3.1. ROI estimate

2. Notoriety

2.1. Procurement is ignored

2.1.1. Procurement Policy Threshold Setting

2.1.2. Procurement Engagement Guidelines

2.2. Procurement's work is not used

2.2.1. Contracting Contracting Rules Contract Compliance

3. Organization

3.1. Targets are hard to meet

3.1.1. Procurement Team Organization

3.1.2. KPIs Design

3.2. The workload is excessive

3.2.1. Procurement Vents

3.2.2. Supplier Segmentation

3.3. Work is inefficient

3.3.1. Accounts Payable Redesign

3.4. Processes are inefficient

3.4.1. Process Mapping & Anallysis

3.4.2. Approval Process Reengineering Threshold Setting

3.4.3. Process Reengineering