Wild and Wonderful Weddings

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Wild and Wonderful Weddings 저자: Mind Map: Wild and Wonderful Weddings

1. About Me

1.1. name and fun facts about myself, explaining why i'm passionate about planning weddings, and a couple pictures

1.1.1. digital photo editting

2. Contact Page

2.1. phone numbers, personal email, fake company email, address of where to be found

2.1.1. social media

3. Reference Pages

3.1. references to all the photos and websites used to build my actual website

3.1.1. websites

4. Strategic Planning

4.1. embed the code from the mind meister website

4.1.1. website

5. FAQ

5.1. answer questions about the website, weddings, and maybe even myself

5.1.1. infographic

6. Home Page

6.1. gallery of trending wedding, pretty engagement photos, talking about the top wedding

6.1.1. digital photo editting, logo