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Europe 저자: Mind Map: Europe

1. Top 3 largest cities

1.1. New node

2. Citys and capitals

2.1. London

2.2. Rome

2.3. Madrin

3. New node

3.1. Climate

3.1.1. Continental

3.1.2. Artic

3.1.3. New node

4. Population

4.1. 830,400,000

5. Languages

5.1. Allbanian

5.2. Arabic

5.3. Bosnian

6. Religions

6.1. Christianity

6.1.1. Orthodox

6.1.2. Cathlic

6.1.3. Anglican

6.1.4. Lutheran

6.2. Judaism

7. Area

7.1. 4 million sq. miles

7.2. 2nd smallest continent in the world

8. Tallest mountain

8.1. Mount Elbrus

8.1.1. Caucasus

9. By: Maddie and Maggie