7 Elements of Empires

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7 Elements of Empires 저자: Mind Map: 7 Elements of Empires

1. British Empire

1.1. Gov.:They had a strong gov with a king and queen making the choices what to do

1.1.1. Their army contains soliders and the royal guards

1.1.2. The most popular religion is christianity with over half the pop. being christian

1.1.3. The person at the top of the social pyramid is the queen having a lot to say in things.

1.1.4. They had a rich economy and being ahead of their time.most money was made by trade.

1.1.5. A lot of new things were introduced thru trade through europe helping them advance over time.

1.1.6. The task to make life easier in europe was a very important to the people to advance building walls around their kingdom to keep people intruding their civilization.Barbers doubled as dentists and doctors.

1.1.7. Most edu. was overlooked by the church which had organized a curriculum of studies. Art was changed in the middle ages by making art more realistic.

2. Russian Empire

2.1. 7 Elements

2.1.1. russia is ruled by one leader the leader wa s ivan lll which controls what goes on.

2.1.2. The army consists of calvary and militia that fought many wars

2.1.3. most russians during this time were orthodox christians

2.1.4. russia geo is mostly icy cold flat areas

2.1.5. trading was a big part of russia getting new items ment new objects and selling things to make them wealthy

2.1.6. Tech they made was ropes for their ships

2.1.7. edu. was lacking but getting better overtime in russia during the middle ages