Cognitive processes

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Cognitive processes 저자: Mind Map: Cognitive processes

1. 1-Rehearsing

1.1. -observation -instruction -rehearsal

1.1.1. practice is important for skills to became automatice , releasing mental space to learn new thing. Vygotsky pointed out that learning is a social process in which imitation and instruction play a major role. Fuson found that child learnt to count from watching TV. Pisget stressed that verbal instruction alone would be ineffective and emphasised readiness for understanding.

2. 2-Making connections

2.1. -depends on generalising and indeutifying -encourage exploration of mathematical by asking. -symbol , a variety of sound images meaning.

3. 3-Representing and symbolising

3.1. 1- Recognizing numerals and engrossed by trying to record scores at skittles. 2- Representing things is an important learning process because in order to do so children need to identify key features. 3- Language played an important role in the process of abstraction.

3.1.1. -Visualizing is a key aspect of representation which develops before language. - Piaget called the mental image internal imitation. -Hughes found that young children used visualizing to add and subtract.small numbers of objects.

4. 4-Predicting

4.1. -Prediction rather then random guessing. -Attention and involves visualising or using what you already know. -Finding out the answer provides feedback. -Informs subsequent attempts

5. 5-Spotting errors and incongruity.

5.1. Corrected mistakes they lovely.(children correct each other)

5.2. A readiness to spoterrose and incongrity is important for revising misconception

5.3. Encouraging children to ask question and discussion.

6. The foster cognitive learning has two kinds of activity emphasized by research: these are solving problem and play.