The Solar System

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The Solar System 저자: Mind Map: The Solar System

1. The Sun

1.1. Star

1.2. Characteristic

1.2.1. Size

1.2.2. Composition

1.2.3. Others

2. Mercury

2.1. Diameter

2.2. Surface Diameter

2.3. Distance From the Sun

2.4. Atmosphere

2.5. Others

3. Jupiter

3.1. Characteristic

3.1.1. As for Mercury

3.2. Moons

4. Saturn

4.1. Characteristics

4.2. Moon

4.3. Rings

5. Uranus

5.1. Characteristic

5.1.1. As for Mercury

5.2. Moon

6. Neptune

6.1. Characteristic

6.1.1. As for Mercury

6.2. Moon

7. Pluto

7.1. Characteristic

7.1.1. As for Mercury

7.2. Moon

8. Venus

8.1. As for Mercury

9. The Earth

9.1. Characteristics

9.1.1. As for Mercury

9.2. The Moon

9.2.1. Phases

9.2.2. Origin

9.2.3. Cause of Tids

9.2.4. Characteristics

9.3. Elipse

9.3.1. Lunar

9.3.2. Solar

9.4. Years

9.4.1. Months Days

9.5. Seasons

10. Mars

10.1. As for Mercury

10.2. Moon

11. Other Features

11.1. Moon of bodies

11.2. Asteroid

11.2.1. Meterois, Comets

11.3. Size and Distance

11.3.1. Light years

11.3.2. Astronomical units

11.4. History of our mngerti

11.4.1. Nelion Centric

11.4.2. Geocentric