Assessing listening

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Assessing listening 저자: Mind Map: Assessing listening

1. Basic types of listening

1.1. Imprint

1.2. Simultaneously

1.3. Linguistic decoding skill

1.4. In the most cases except for repetition task.

2. The importance listening

2.1. Counterpart

2.2. Speaking

3. The listening performance

3.1. The productive skills

3.1.1. Of speaking and writing allow

3.2. Receptive skills

3.2.1. Are clearly the more enigmatic of the two models

3.3. Discouraging

3.3.1. We have developed good assessment

4. Multiples measures and valid assessment

4.1. Observable

4.2. The result

5. Assesment task and procedures

5.1. Comprehending

5.2. Understanding meaning

5.3. determining meaning of auditory input

5.4. Developing the gist,a global or comprehensive

6. Niche

6.1. Level of engagement

6.2. Competition

6.3. Profitability

6.4. Interest

6.5. Expertise

7. Branding

7.1. Content

7.2. Personality

7.3. Positioning

8. Assessment introduced

8.1. Practicality

8.2. Reliability

8.3. Validity

8.4. Authencity

9. Observing the performance of the four skills

9.1. Performance

9.2. Observation

10. Authentic listening task

10.1. Note taking

10.2. Editing

10.3. Interpretive tasks

10.4. Retelling

11. Microskills

11.1. Discriminate

11.2. Short term

11.3. Recognize english stress patterns

11.4. Recognize reduce forms of words

11.5. Process speech at different rates.

11.6. New Topic