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My network 저자: Mind Map: My network

1. Tiffany (dads co-worker): she knows how to build menus well and can show me how I could nicely build a price board.

2. Taylor (co-workers friend) she has opened a shop before

3. Granddad: went to schooling for business and marketing so he can help me open a shop

4. My grandma she is a hair dresser and can help me with what I want to do

5. Mr & Mrs handley (friends parents)

6. Mr & Mrs Konkin (bf's parents)

7. My cousins

8. My Grandad he has really good marketing skills

9. Kayla (moms friend): went to beauty schooling and can help me with what I need to get into a good program for opening a salon

10. My aunt

11. My parents

12. My brother

13. My uncle

14. My friends

15. My nana