Why being nice to your coworkers is good to business

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Why being nice to your coworkers is good to business 저자: Mind Map: Why being nice to your coworkers is good to business

1. Either, you lift people up by making them feel valued, appreciated and heard.

2. Or, you hold people down, making them feel small, insulted, disregarded or excluded.

3. Notes

3.1. Who do you want to be?

3.1.1. You're answering it every day, through your actions.

3.1.2. How you show up and treat people, means everything.

4. Incivility = disrespect or rudeness

4.1. mocking or belittling someone

4.2. teasing people in ways that sting

4.3. telling offensive jokes

4.4. making insulting statements

4.5. texting in meetings, or not listening

5. Witnesses performance decreases too

6. Incivility is contageous

6.1. it affects our emotions

6.2. our motivation

6.3. our performance

6.4. our attention

6.5. our brain power

6.6. and how we treat others

7. Source - TED talk Christine Porath