Building Relationships with Local Organizations

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Building Relationships with Local Organizations 저자: Mind Map: Building Relationships with Local Organizations

1. Pedagogy

1.1. Ally responsibilities include being the listener and approaching relationships with humility

1.2. Students will benefit from learning outside the classroom - experiential learning

1.3. Cross-cultural relationships can be built

2. Native Canadian Centre of Toronto

2.1. Cultural events on site and around the city

2.2. Culture and language classes

2.3. Youth programs and supports

2.4. Senior programs

2.5. Location easily accessible by TTC

3. Canadian Roots Exchange

3.1. Guest speakers/workshops that come to your class

3.2. Student exchange programs within Canada

3.3. Cross-cultural approach

3.4. Best to correspond through email

4. Urban Indigenous Education Centre TDSB

4.1. Learning coaches available to support teacher and provide resources

4.2. Principal and Vice Principal on site

4.3. Student support workers available

5. First Nations School of Toronto

5.1. K-12 located in the east end of Toronto

5.2. provide culturally-relevant programming

5.3. applies Indigenous worldviews/pedagogy

6. Native Child and Family Services Toronto

6.1. Branch of CAS that aims to be culturally sensitive and appropriate

6.2. Provide support to families

6.3. Provide cultural programming for youth