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Self 저자: Mind Map: Self

1. Physics & Consciousness

1.1. Unified Field

1.2. Subatomic

1.3. Unmanifested <->Manifested

1.4. No Solid Matter

2. Veda & Vedic Literature

2.1. Vibrations, Sounds, Reverberations

2.2. Lively

2.3. Pure Knowledge & Intelligence

3. Creative Intelligence

4. Self Awareness Unbounded

5. Pure Consciousness

6. Role of the Artist

6.1. Joy in Doing

6.2. Comprehension

6.3. Synchronicity of Mind, Heart , Awareness

7. 7 States of Consciousness

7.1. Waking

7.2. Sleeping

7.3. Step

7.4. Transcendental

7.5. Cosmic

7.6. God/Refined

7.7. Unity

7.8. Reaching Infinite Unity to the Universe

8. Pure Consciousness