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Evolution 저자: Mind Map: Evolution

1. Homo habilis

1.1. First human like being Brain capacity 600-800cc Probably didn't eat meat

2. 15 mya primates called Dryopithecus and ramapithecus were existed

3. 2 mya Australopithecus probably lived in East African Grasslands

4. About 65 mya the dinosaur were suddenly disappeared from the earth

5. Earth was supposed to formed about 4.5 billion yr back

6. 350 mya jawless fish evolved

7. 500 mya invertebrates were formed and activate

8. 320 mya sea weeds and few plants were existed

9. 350 mya fish with stout and strong fins could move land to land and move to water

10. Universes old almost 20 billion yr old

11. Life appeared 500 million yr after the formation of earth(almost 4 billion yr back)

12. 3 billion yr back first non cellular are originated

13. 2000 million yrs ago first cellular from were not probably originated

14. The earth is about 4000 yrs old

15. 3_4 mya man like primates were walked in eastern Africa

16. Homo homo erectus

16.1. They eat probably meat Neanderthal man (brain capacity 1400cc) lived in near east and central asia between 100000to40000 yr back They used hides to protect their vadu and buried their dead

17. Homo sapiens

17.1. Arose in Africa moved acro1 continents During ice age between 75,000 to 10,000 yr ago homo sapiens arose Pre historic cave art develop about 18,000yr ago Bhimbetka rock shelter in dansen district of madhya pradesh

18. Agriculture came around 10,000yr back and human settlement started

19. New Topic