Is texting someone to suicide enough to convict?

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Is texting someone to suicide enough to convict? 저자: Mind Map: Is texting someone to suicide enough to convict?

1. In this specific case these lovers had more of a relationship that was exclusively online.

1.1. "Often wrote they loved each other yet rarely met in person"

1.2. Questions how powerful these words actually were seeing that they only really communicated online

1.3. Compare using Fletchers standpoint

2. Include my own personal viewpoint on texting and suicide

2.1. Compare using Fletchers standpoint

2.2. Texting someone to suicide is a valid argument when time for conviction

3. Begin to summarize what's written within the text

3.1. Gave directions as to how he should commit this act

3.1.1. Inhalation via car fumes Encouraged deceased to reenter car after he began to back out

3.2. Victim had mental health problems and underlying family issues/abuse

3.3. Defendant claimed to have suffered an eating disorder