Communication Strategies

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Communication Strategies 저자: Mind Map: Communication Strategies

1. Module 11 - Advanced Communication Skills

1.1. Establishing Common Ground

1.2. Using "I" Messages

1.3. Understanding Precipitating Factors

1.4. Assignments

1.5. Quiz

2. Overview

2.1. Why take this course?

2.2. Who should take this course?

2.3. How will this course work?

3. Module 6 - Speaking Like A STAR

3.1. S- situation

3.2. T- task

3.3. A- action

3.4. R-result

3.5. Assignment

3.6. Quiz

4. Model 7 - Listening Skills

4.1. 7 Ways to listen better

4.2. Active listening

4.3. Sending Good Signals

4.4. Assignments

4.5. Quiz

5. Module 8 - Asking Good Questions

5.1. Open Quesions

5.2. Closed Questions

5.3. Probing Questions

5.4. Assignment

5.5. Quiz

6. Module 9 - Appreciative Inquiry

6.1. The purpose of AI

6.2. The four stages

6.3. Examples and case studies

6.4. Assignment

6.5. Quiz

7. Module 10- Mastering the Art of Conversation

7.1. Level 1 - Discussing General Topics

7.2. Level - Sharing Ideas and Prespectives

7.3. Level 3- Sharing Personal Experiences

7.4. Top Networking Tips

7.5. Assignment

8. Module 12 - Review "THAT'S A WRAP!'

9. Outline

9.1. Materials needed to take this course

9.2. Learning Objectives

9.3. Course Syllabus

9.4. Content Outline

10. Module 1 - Learning Objectives

11. Module 2 - Course Introduction "THE BIG PICTURE"

11.1. What is communication?

11.2. How do we communicate?

11.3. Other communication factors

11.4. Assignment

11.5. Quizz

12. Module 3 - Understanding Communication Barriers

12.1. Overview of Barriers

12.2. Cultural barriers\

12.3. Physical barriers

12.4. Language Barriers

12.5. Assignment

12.6. Quiz

13. Module 4-Paraverbal Communication Skills

13.1. Power of Pitch

13.2. Truth about tone

13.3. Strength of Speed

13.4. Assignment

13.5. Quiz

14. Module 5 - Non - Verbal Communication

14.1. The Mehrabian Study

14.2. Body Language

14.3. Interpreting Gestures