Android Knowledge

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Android Knowledge 저자: Mind Map: Android Knowledge

1. Persistence

1.1. SharedPreferences

1.2. SQLite

1.2.1. Room

2. Architectures

2.1. MVP

2.1.1. VIPER

2.2. MVVM

2.2.1. Data Binding

2.2.2. ViewModel

3. IDE

3.1. Android Studio

3.1.1. Instant Run

4. Testing

4.1. UI Testing

4.1.1. Espresso

4.2. Unit Testing

4.2.1. JUnit 4

4.2.2. Mockito

4.2.3. PowerMockito

4.3. Test Coverage

4.4. Flaky Tests

5. A/B Testing

5.1. Leanplum

5.2. Firebase

6. Publish

6.1. Libraries

6.1.1. Jitpack

7. Jetpack

7.1. Google Maven Repository

7.2. Sunflower Demo

7.3. Android KTX

7.3.1. MVVM LiveData ViewModel

8. Layout

8.1. ConstraintLayout

8.2. AsyncLayoutInflater

9. Version Control

9.1. Git

9.1.1. Merge vs Rebase

10. Dependency Injection

10.1. Dagger 2

10.1.1. Module

10.1.2. Component

11. Reactive Extensions

11.1. RxJava

11.1.1. RxKotlin

11.1.2. RxAndroid

11.1.3. RxBinding

11.1.4. RxJava 2 Emitter Creating Observables Threading Subject: a fusion of an Observable and a Subscriber

12. Debugging

12.1. Android Studio Debugger

12.1.1. Watches

12.1.2. Attach debugger to process

12.2. Window VQA

12.3. Charles Proxy

12.3.1. Charles Enterprice License

12.3.2. Map Local

12.3.3. Edit Response

12.3.4. Charles License

12.3.5. Rewrite

12.4. Logcat

12.4.1. Timber

12.4.2. Hugo

12.5. Stetho

12.6. Flipper

13. CI/CD

13.1. Jenkins

13.2. TeamCity

14. Performance

15. Monitoring

15.1. Fabric

15.1.1. Crashlytics

15.2. Datadog

15.3. Google Analytics

16. Coding Style

16.1. Kotlin

16.1.1. Android Kotlin style guide

16.2. Say no to Hungarian notation

17. Compatibility

17.1. Support Library

17.1.1. collections