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The Learner 저자: Mind Map: The Learner

1. Self and Others

2. Emotion Development

2.1. Expressions

2.2. Understanding

2.3. Regulation

2.4. Mental health

3. Motivation

3.1. Goals

3.1.1. New node

3.2. Attributions

3.3. Motivators

3.3.1. Extrinsic New node

3.3.2. Intrinsic

4. Information Processing

4.1. Memory

4.1.1. Sensory

4.1.2. Working

4.1.3. Long Term

4.2. Processing

4.2.1. Sensation and Perception

4.2.2. Attention

4.2.3. Encoding and Retrieva

4.3. Cognitive Styles

4.4. Metacognition

4.4.1. Knowledge

4.4.2. Regulation