Diverse needs of students with a wheelchair disability

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Diverse needs of students with a wheelchair disability 저자: Mind Map: Diverse needs of students with a wheelchair disability

1. Kirby & Woodhead (2003

1.1. "Listening to the voices of young people with disabilities has achieved prominence in recent times, as the issue of their participation rights has become recognised" (Kirby & Woodhead, 2003).

1.2. By asking questions and listening to the focus student, this allows educators to gain insight of the personal views, perspectives and the experiences of them

1.3. Teachers and students can work together to create a classroom and school environment in which the focus student feels comfortable and welcome to participate in all activities.

2. Connors and Stalker's (2003)

2.1. This study was conducted over 2 years and was aimed at exploring the experiences young students with an impairment came across. The study induded 26 students with disability aged 7-15.

2.2. "They found that the majority of the young people with disabilities were happy most of the time and this happiness stemmed from feeling a sense of achievement, particularly related to success at school or in sports and through spending time with friends." (Connors and Stalker's, 2003)

2.3. As the focus student loves sport, it is extremely important that the teacher and school provided the focus student with adequate equipment and support to assist the student on their feelings for being included

3. Llewellyn (2000)

3.1. Llewellyn (2000) conducted an investigation within a mainstream school based on the experiences of students with a physical disability

3.2. Findings concluded that the school needs to meet Psychological, social and clinical needs of the male with a disability

3.3. Wheelchair ramps installed around the school is vital to ensure the focus student has access to all areas of the school, just like other students.

4. Lightfoot et al. (1999)

4.1. In this study, Lightfoot et al. investigated 33 students who had a chronic illness or physical disability (ages 11-16). Students were chosen from a rage of mainstream schools in order to investigate the impact of their illness or physical disability on their school life.

4.2. Through the interviews with the students, the study gathered that effective support systems must be implemented if young people with physical disabilities were aiming to benefit in a mainstream school.

4.3. The school that the focus student is attending must make sure they are supplying and supporting adequate material to assist the student excelling well in his studies as he is gifted and talented in most academic areas.