
Health and Education

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Education 저자: Mind Map: Education

1. social connections

1.1. healthy peers

1.2. avoid isolation

1.2.1. mental health

1.2.2. physical health

1.3. support network/help when in trouble

2. location

2.1. community resources

2.1.1. access to care/support services

2.1.2. Poor local government

2.2. shopping options

2.2.1. Food deserts/nutrition

2.3. better schools

2.3.1. support systems

2.4. stress

2.5. predatory marketing

2.6. crime

2.7. santitation/pollution

2.7.1. unhealthy water/lead

2.8. Globally, escape poverty

3. critical thinking/time management/soft skills

3.1. making good health choices: diet/exercise

3.2. less likely to engage in risky behavior

3.3. more likely to wear a seatbelt, other precautions

3.4. Financial literacy/investing

3.4.1. more income later in life

4. hard skills: math, science etc.

4.1. follow doctor's orders

5. better job

5.1. higher income

5.1.1. better access to care

5.1.2. more money to buy health inputs

5.2. lower stress

5.2.1. allostatic load hypothesis/cardiovascular

5.3. more vacation/time off

5.3.1. less stress

6. better opportunities for kids

6.1. enrichment opportunities/summer

6.2. physical education

6.3. access to pediatrics/public health/vaccines