Notch1- Defined by U.S Natinal Library of Medicine "The NOTCH1 gene provides instructions for mak...

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Notch1- Defined by U.S Natinal Library of Medicine "The NOTCH1 gene provides instructions for making a protein called Notch1, a member of the Notch family of receptors." 저자: Mind Map: Notch1- Defined by U.S Natinal Library of Medicine "The NOTCH1 gene provides instructions for making a protein called Notch1, a member of the Notch family of receptors."

1. Notch2- The U.S National Library of Medicine defines Notch2 as a receptor sends signals that are important for normal development and function of many tissues throughout the body, both before and after birth. The main purpose

1.1. Many different mutations stem from this likeHajdu-Cheney Syndrome,Alagille Syndrome, and are signs of notch2 and notch2 in breast cancer tissue and not regualr breast tissue

2. Notch3- The main purpose of the Notch3 gene is to cause the NICD to separate from the intracelluar domain. It then enters the cell nucleus and helps maintain the transfer of other cell genes.

2.1. Genes like Notch3 come in many different names like CADASIL, CASIL, and its scientific name Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 3.

3. When notch1 cells are mutated they have potential to cause normal cells to be cancerous. Traces of this include Lung Cancer and Chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

4. The Notch1 (neurogenic locus notch homologous protein 1) Gene is a gene is a member of receptor. It uses the aids of Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor to make proteins. The protein job is then to sends signals that are important for normal development of many tissues throughout the body, both before birth and after.

5. Notch1 comes from a family of receptors. Notch1,Notch2, and Notch3 all work alongside each other. When all are functioning properly, proteins should be made.

5.1. Along side with Notch2 and Notch3. Notch1 has interactions with other genes such as NOV, GSK3B,NFKB1 and Many more genes.

6. The Notch1 gene must make proteins to perform many different tasks. Because it plays many rolls it is also considered an oncogenes and tumor suppressor gene.

6.1. Tumor suppressor Gene- Make sure the cells division and replication remain steady. According to the U.S National Library of Medicine "Tumor suppressors keep cells from growing and dividing too fast or in an uncontrolled way, preventing the development of cancer; mutations that impair tumor suppressors can lead to cancer development."

6.2. Oncogenes- Genes that assist cell growth. Define by the U.S National Library of Medicine "Oncogenes typically promote cell proliferation or survival, and when mutated, they have the potential to cause normal cells to become cancerous."