Scientific Management

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Scientific Management 저자: Mind Map: Scientific Management

1. The word autocracy comes from the Greek "autos" (self-made) and "kratos" (government, power, force), something that, brought to the business field, means decision making by a single person or figure. Aug 18, 2018

1.1. ( Ioteyko and Ioteyko, 2019)

1.2. fdgsdfgdgdfg

1.2.1. gsdfgsdfgdfg dfgfdgdsfgdsfg

2. Extrinsic Reward

2.1. The extrinsic reward comes from outside, it is easier to control. It is the kind of motivation that leads us to do something we do not want because we know that in the end there will be a reward. It can be a very powerful force.

2.1.1. ( Bray et al., 2018)

3. Modernity

3.1. The Modernity is a category that refers to the social and historical processes that have their origins in northern Europe from the emergency caused since the Renaissance.

3.1.1. ( Aswani et al., 2015)

4. Autocratic

5. Human Relation School

6. Theory X

6.1. The creator of the "X" and "Y" theories, McGregor, is one of the most influential characters in human resources management. His teachings still have a lot of application today despite having borne the weight of more than five decades of management theories and models. In his work The Human Side of Organizations (1960) describes two ways of thinking in managers that he called "theory X" and "theory Y". They are two opposing theories of direction; in the first, managers consider that workers only act under threats, and in the second, managers are based on the principle that people want and need to work .

6.1.1. (Raymond et al., 2010)

7. Knowledge Economy

7.1. As the world economy moves towards a progressively serious utilization of information, industrialized nations have been at the cutting edge of interest in innovative work (R&D), empowering advancement arranged organizations, structuring open approaches that they encourage development and business enterprise, and pushing the mechanical outskirts of the world. The computerized and information upset has made new financial open doors for poor people and defenseless populaces, and simultaneously, new ways to social incorporation. By quickening the pace of progress, innovation makes troublesome chances to change the working of organizations, governments and work markets, offering imaginative answers for the investigation of earnest social issues.

7.1.1. ( Pickett et al., 2011)

8. Intrinsic Reward

8.1. The intrinsic reward is internal to the worker and is related to the perception of work, self-esteem, prestige ... comes from within, from oneself. It appears when we do something we enjoy; When homework rewards us. When the person sets his interest in the study or work, always demonstrating improvement and personality in the achievement of his aims, his aspirations and his goals.

8.1.1. ( Bray et al., 2018)

9. Theory Y

9.1. The X theory and the Y theory are two restricting speculations of course characterized by Douglas McGregor in his work The Human Side of Organizations , during the 1960s at the MIT Sloan School of Management . This theory has been utilized in the HR the executives framework , hierarchical conduct, authoritative correspondence and authoritative advancement . It portrays two differentiating models of inspiration dependent on the workforce. They speak to two unique dreams of work and types of the board.

9.1.1. ( Walsh, Dicks and Sutherland, 2015)

10. Marxism

10.1. Marxism is known as the economic and political theories of Karl Marx which explains that the struggle between the social classes is the cause of changes in society.

10.1.1. ( Ioteyko and Ioteyko, 2019)

11. Organisational Hierarchy

11.1. The organizational structure of a company is the way in which the company is going to be managed. Two parts can be distinguished: the formal and informal organizational structure. The organizational structure is one that is based on the set of relationships explained by the management, are deliberate relationships.

11.1.1. ( Wilkinson et al., 2016)

12. Post Industrialism

12.1. In sociology, the post-industrial society is the stage of society's development when the service sector generates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy.(Ludäscher et al., 2006)

12.1.1. ( Ioteyko and Ioteyko, 2019)

13. Automation

13.1. The automation industry ( automation : in ancient Greek car 'self - driven') is the use of systems or computer and electromechanical elements for industrial purposes.

13.1.1. ( Wilkinson et al., 2016)