Theoretical Perspective

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Theoretical Perspective 저자: Mind Map: Theoretical Perspective

1. Behavorist

1.1. Skinner

1.1.1. emphasizes the role of nurture and learning to occur based on stimuli, responses, and reinforcement.

1.2. Semantic

2. Navist

2.1. Chomsky

2.2. inborn or innate human capabilities being responsible for language development.

2.2.1. Syntactic

3. Interactionalist

3.1. Vygotsky

3.2. children acquire language through their attempts to communicate with the world around them.

3.2.1. Pragmatic

4. Cognitive Developmentalist

4.1. Piaget

4.2. language is acquired as maturation occurs and cognitive develops.

4.2.1. Semantic