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Researching 저자: Mind Map: Researching

1. Quantitative

1.1. Objective

1.1.1. Points of view are not taken into account

1.2. Obtrusive

1.2.1. There´s intervention from the researcher

1.3. Controlled

1.3.1. Context is modified

1.4. Insider perspective

1.5. Ungrounded

1.6. Verification oriented

1.6.1. Verificating instead of discoverying

1.7. Confirmatory

1.8. Reductionist

1.9. Inferencial

1.10. Deductive

1.10.1. From general to specific

1.11. Reliable data

1.11.1. Hard and replicable Can be reproduced several times with the same results

1.12. Generalisable

1.12.1. Several cases are studied supposing they all have an stable reality

2. Qualitative

2.1. Subjective

2.1.1. Points of view are taken into account

2.2. Naturalistic

2.2.1. No changes are done

2.3. Uncontrolled

2.3.1. Non-controlled context

2.4. Inductive

2.4.1. From specific to general

2.5. Process oriented

2.5.1. The end doesn´t justify the means

2.6. Data

2.6.1. Valid

2.6.2. Real

2.6.3. Rich

2.6.4. Deep Has to do with emotions and feelings

2.7. Grounded

2.8. Discovery oriented

2.8.1. Discovering instead of verifying

2.9. Exploratory

2.10. Descriptive

2.11. Expansionist

2.12. Insider perspective