mounting and dismounting

mounting and dismounting, correct dressage seat, correct jumoing seat and correct cross- country seat

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mounting and dismounting 저자: Mind Map: mounting and dismounting

1. correct dressage seat

1.1. a straight line goes from the bit through to your ellbow

1.2. keep your head up

1.3. sit in the deepest part of the saddle

1.4. your back should be straight

1.5. the insides of the thighs lie flat and relaxed on the saddle flap

1.6. the calves are on the girth

1.7. the balls of the feet should be in the widest part of the stirrups

1.8. keep your hands fist with your thumbs on top

1.9. you should feel your seat bones evenly

1.10. your hips should be uprigth

1.11. the heel should jump down loosely

2. correct jumping seat

2.1. the rains are shortened

2.2. your upper body is more upright

2.3. your riding trousers is still on the saddle

2.4. a bigger angle in the hip, knee and ankle joint

2.5. the heel should spring down loosely

2.6. hands are above the withers

2.7. your knee should be relaxed

2.8. keep your head up

2.9. the calves are on the girth

3. correct cross-country seat

3.1. keep your head up

3.2. the hands stand upright above the withers

3.3. the upper body is almost parallel to the horse´s neck

3.4. the buttocks always stay close to the saddle

3.5. your knee should be relaxed

3.6. the stirrups are shortened for about 3 to 6 holes

3.7. the rider takes his weight out of the saddle

3.8. the back should be Long and stright

3.9. the calves are on the girth

3.10. the rains are shortened

3.11. a bigger angle in the hip, knee and ankle joint.

4. vertical line

4.1. goes down between your shoulder, hip and the back of your heel

5. the calves are on the girth

6. getting on

6.1. go on the mounting block and turn to face the rear of the horse

6.2. hold the rains and the brastplate in your left hand

6.3. take the stirrup with your right hand and put your left foot in it

6.4. now grasp the right- hand side of the front arch of the saddle

6.5. hope round to face the same way as your horse

6.6. keep your left toe away from the horse´s side

6.7. spring up and swing your leg over the horse´s back

6.8. put your right foot in the right stirrup

6.9. take the rains in both hands

7. getting of

7.1. hold the rains and the breastplate in your left hand

7.2. hold the front of the arch in your right hand

7.3. take both of your feet out of the stirrups and lean your upper body forward a little

7.4. swing your right leg over the horse´s back and slide down slowly

8. before you get on

8.1. adjust the lenght of the stirrups

8.2. thigten the girth - that the saddle can`t slide down

8.3. mounting block to stand on - better for the horses back