Neural Networks

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Neural Networks 저자: Mind Map: Neural Networks

1. 3- Activation Functions

1.1. What is Activation Functions?

1.2. Types of Activation Functions:

1.2.1. 1- Binary Step Function

1.2.2. 2- Non-Linear Activation Functions [Advantages,Disadvantages] Sigmoid / Logistic ,...,...,...,...,...,Softmax

1.2.3. 3- Linear Activation Functions

1.2.4. 4- Gradients of Activation Functions

2. 4-Bias Neuron in NN

2.1. How do the neurons work?

2.2. Where are the bias neurons?

2.3. Bias-Variance Tradeoff

2.4. Overfitting and Underfitting

2.4.1. Methods to Avoid Overfitting and Underfitting in NN

3. 5-Hyperparameters

3.1. Model parameters

3.1.1. What is the Difference Between a Model Parameter and a Hyperparameter?

3.2. List of Hyperparameters

3.2.1. Hyperparameters related to NN structure Number of hidden layers,2. Dropout...etc

3.2.2. Hyperparameters related to the training algorithm Learning rate....etc

3.3. Hyperparameter Optimization

4. 7-Regression

4.1. What is Regression Analysis?

4.2. Types of Regression Analysis:

4.2.1. Linear Regression,Logistic Regression....etc

4.3. Should Neural Networks be Used to Run Regression Models?

5. 1-Perceptrons and Multi-Layer Perceptrons

5.1. What Is a Perceptron?

5.2. What Is a Multilayer Perceptron?

5.3. Structure of a Perceptron and steps work:

6. What Is a Neural Network?

6.1. Neural network basics

6.1.1. neurons or perceptrons, layers, weights and activations

6.2. Concepts in NN

6.2.1. Inputs ,Training Set.,Outputs, neuron perceptron,Weight Space,Forward Pass, Error Function, Backpropagation ,bias , Hyperparam

6.3. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)

6.4. Deep Neural Networks

6.5. 6 Stages of Neural Network Learning

7. 2-Backpropagation

7.1. What and how it works Backpropagation in NN?

7.1.1. The forward pass

7.1.2. Backward Pass

7.2. Why Do We Need Backpropagation in NN?

8. 6-Classification

8.1. What Is Classification in ML and DL?

8.2. Types of Classification Algorithms:

8.2.1. Logistic Regression,Decision Tree,Random Forest,Naive Bayes,k-Nearest Neighbor

8.3. Neural Network Classification

8.3.1. Strengths and Weaknesses: