Successful Learning Organization

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Successful Learning Organization 저자: Mind Map: Successful Learning Organization

1. Building Shared Vision

1.1. 1- Today's Problems Come from Yesterday's Solutions

1.2. 4- The easy Way Out Leads it Back in

1.3. 8- Small Changes Can Produce Big Results

1.4. 11- There is No Blame

1.5. The Principles of Leverage

2. Team Learning

2.1. Collaboration

2.2. Communication

2.3. Connection

2.4. Avoid Learning Disabilities

3. The Limits to Growth

3.1. Do Not Push the Growth; remove the factors that limit growth

4. Shifting the Burden

4.1. Beware of symptomatic solution. Solution that address only the symptoms of a problem

5. Personal mastery

6. Response to Change

7. Feedback