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MED T&T Program 저자: Mind Map: MED T&T Program

1. ISTE Standards

1.1. Educators

1.1.1. Road map for creating 21st century learners

1.2. Students

1.2.1. Empowering students for student-driven learning

2. Instructional Design

2.1. Student centered learning

2.2. 4-Door eLearning Model

2.3. All learning styles/needs met

3. PLN

3.1. Continued growth

3.2. Sharing gained knowledge with other educators

3.3. Where to go for advice

4. Other Key Benefits

4.1. Web 2.0 tools

4.2. Effective technology implementation

4.3. Creating successful 21st century citizens

4.4. Change in assessment types

5. 4 C's

5.1. Collaboration

5.2. Critical Thinking

5.3. Communication

5.4. Creativity

6. Assessing Through Technology

6.1. Prompt feedback for students

6.2. Efficient for educator

6.3. Gathering of data

6.4. Authentic assessments

6.5. Tools for summative and formative assessments

7. Educational Research

7.1. What tools are available?

7.2. What are the outcomes of new technologies on students?

7.3. What effects student acievement?