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The Next Pandemic 저자: Mind Map: The Next Pandemic

1. Transmission

1.1. The virus can easily contaminate others through contact.

1.1.1. An issue concerning this is the neglect of the presidency during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, resulting to high number of cases in the months before ECQ.

1.1.2. Mass gathering held by different government officials such as USEC Mocha Uson and Gen. Sinas can easily spread the virus.

1.1.3. Sen. KoKo Pimentel (a person tested positive of the coronavirus) violated ECQ guidelines by going to a hospital and a Shopping Market

1.2. Due to human technological advancement the virus can easily brought to different places very fast.

1.2.1. The late banning of flights to infected countries especially China has caused the numerous infection here in the Philippines. The government prioritized diplomatic relations rather than the healthcare and security of the Filipinos.

2. Preparedness

2.1. The WHO (World Health Organization) has organized a plan to deal with the rise of a new pandemic. Many signed but less implemented it

2.2. A vaccine is under development for all strains of flu viruses but it will take a couple years to fully develop.

2.3. Multiple researches are still finding viruses from multiple animals so that it can be examined and the information gathered can be use for future references

2.3.1. The coronavirus has been identified to bats in China a research was done in 2008 relating to this matter

3. SARS: The First Pandemic

3.1. Chinese government downplayed the threat as a abnormal case of pneumonia

3.2. There was no contact tracing and the total number of infection were kept hidden until SARS infected people from different countries

3.2.1. The Philippines without proper mass testing and contact tracing. Only caters to those with symptoms and sadly VIPs have the most cases of the virus in South East Asia (.2% of the total population has been tested)

3.2.2. This is happening during the early stages of COVID -19 and this why it TURNED TO A GLOBAL PANDEMIC

4. Proposed Projects

4.1. A donation drive for hospitals who have limited/little supplies of PPE for front-liners

4.2. Team up with big companies or small business in providing basic needs to the homeless and frontliners during quarantine period

4.3. A platform where people can coordinate their opinions and criticism about the government's handling of the pandemic so that it can reach proper persons