They check the backgrounds of people going into the public services. Eg criminal records and Health ect

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Prime MINISTER 저자: Mind Map: Prime MINISTER

1. The role of the police is to respond to calls for assistance from the public and other agencies, and to act to ensure the safety of the community. Ultimately, everything the police does is in order to cut crime and protecting life.

1.1. WYPA

1.1.1. Her Majestys inspectorate if constabulary: Inspects the police to ensure propler training and carrying out duties/records.

1.1.2. Indemendent police complaints comission: The IPCC oversees the whole of the police complaints system and sets standards for the way that the police should deal with complaints. It is independent, making its decisions entirely independently of the police, government and complainants

1.2. Nick Herbert, MP: he says that Police reform and the Social responsibility bill willreduce paperwork and strengthen powers.

2. Ministry of Defence, Phil Hammond MP:Philip Hammond MP (born 4 December 1955[1]) is a British Conservative Party politician. He is the current Secretary of State for Defence in the Coalition government led by David Cameron, having succeeded Liam Fox on 14 October 2011.

2.1. 40k in RAF 101k in Army and Navy 35k

2.1.1. Defence Vetting Agency: Check the background of people going into public services like criminal records and health.

3. Home Office,Therisa May, Home secrutary: She sets national policing plans, every 3 years which is pay and policing plan

3.1. Damien Green, MP: He says that to reduce people trafficking into the UK, he will improve victim care, be operating in other countries of origin and strengthening harder control.

3.1.1. UK Border Agency: Created in 2003. Seek at illegal immigrants and overstays and gangs that traffic them in. New node New node New node