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1. Passives

1.1. The passive voice

1.2. The passive voice is a grammatical structure that is used when you do not want to emphasize who or what performs the action, but rather who or what receives it.

1.3. La voz activa

1.4. He ate all of the cookies.(Comió todas las galletas.)

1.5. La voz pasiva

1.6. All of the cookies were eaten.(Todas las galletas fueron comidas.)

1.7. Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + participio pasado…

1.8. To transform an active sentence to a passive one we take into account the following points: 1. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive. 2. The main verb is replaced by the auxiliary "to be", at the same time, together with the main verb in participle. 3. The subject of the main sentence becomes the agent complement of the passive. 4. If we mention in the sentence the subject that performs the action (agent subject), this will normally be preceded by the preposition “by”.

1.9. We use the passive voice when we do not know who has performed the action.

1.10. Examples:

1.10.1. A civilian has been killed.

1.10.2. The car was stolen.

1.11. 2. We use the passive voice when we want to give more importance to what happened than to who carried out the action or when we do not want to say who carried it out.

1.12. Examples:

1.12.1. The letter was delivered yesterday.

1.12.2. A mistake was made.

2. Vocabulary: Travel items, live music, music words

2.1. Live music and music words

2.1.1. Talk about music and music events

2.1.2. Vocabulary stop, audience, concert, song , modern and lost

2.1.3. kinds of music Opera. Traditional music. Jazz. Blues. Rhythm and Blues. Rock And Roll. Pop. classical music. etc..

2.1.4. Instruments Wind: saxophone, flute, clarinet, trumpet, oboe, etc. String: guitar, harp, violin, piano (the piano is percussed string), etc. Percussion: timpani, drum, cymbals, bass drum etc. Electric instruments: electric bass, electric guitar, theremin, synthesizer, etc.

2.1.5. People singers and musicians

2.1.6. Kinds of groups Band. symphonic. Fanfare. Leakage. Concert. etc.

2.1.7. Places or events concerts scenarios, etc

2.2. Travel

2.2.1. Talk about travel items

2.2.2. Vocabulary Suitcases, wallet, hairbrush. Shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, backpack, boarding pass, visa, passport, scissors, sleeping, etc

2.2.3. Air plane, helicopter, rocket, airplane, balloon, paraglider, parachute, etc

2.2.4. Rail train,railway, locomotive, etc

2.2.5. Road cars, truck, motorcycle, van, bicycle, etc ..

2.2.6. Sea boats, yachts, canoes, boats, ships, cruises, etc

3. Formal and Informal speech

3.1. We use formal language in situations that are serious or involve people we do not know well. Informal language is most commonly used in situations that are more relaxed and involve people we know well. Formal language and informal language are associated with particular choices of grammar and vocabulary. Contractions, relative sentences without relative pronouns, and ellipsis are more common in informal language.

3.1.1. Formal English: We use it when writing essays for school, cover letters to apply for jobs, or emails and letters at work.

3.1.2. Informal English: We use it with friends, children, and relatives.

3.1.3. COMPARE She has decided to accept the job. formal She’s decided to accept the job. informal: She’s = contraction

3.1.4. COMPARE The girl whom I met in Singapore was interested in working in Australia. formal :The girl I met in Singapore was interested in working in Australia. informal: relative clause without the relative pronoun whom

3.1.5. COMPARE We went to Barcelona for the weekend. We have a lot of things to tell you. Formal: Went to Barcelona for the weekend. Lots to tell you. Informal: ellipsis (more likely to be written or texted than spoken)

3.1.6. More formal vocabulary commonly involves longer words or words with origins in Latin and Greek. More informal vocabulary commonly involves shorter words, or words with origins in Anglo-Saxon. Most dictionaries indicate very informal and/or formal words. formal informal commence start terminate end endeavour try

4. Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives

4.1. Verbs followed by gerunds

4.1.1. Verbs + ing

4.1.2. The gerund is the form of an unconjugated verb, used to perform the same functions as a noun. It ends in "-ing". For example, "Reading is fun." In this sentence "Reading" is a gerund, but it acts as a noun.

4.1.3. Here are some of the most common verbs that are usually followed by the gerund

4.1.4. Enjoy, Fnacy , Discuss, avoid, mind, suggest, recommend, keep, dislike, and other verbs are like, love, stop, hte, delay, miss, postpone, admit, appreciate, etc...

4.1.5. Afther certain prepositions: interested in, good at, baad ay , bored with, fed up with, tired of, thaks for, worried about, be used to etc,.

4.1.6. Examples

4.1.7. - I enjoy workind on the emergency ward

4.1.8. -Alice doesn´t mind working with children

4.1.9. -Tim is considering changing his jop

4.2. Verbs followed by Infinitive

4.2.1. verbs + to and infinitive

4.2.2. The infinitive is the form of a verb that appears both in its most basic form (without marks) or with the word "to". For example, "I like to read books" where "to read" is an infinitive.

4.2.3. Here are some of the most common verbs that are usually followed by the to and infinitive

4.2.4. Agree, ask, dicide, help, promise, would like*, want*, learn, hope, plan, help*

4.2.5. Other verbs for this group are:

4.2.6. Can(can´t), arrange, expect, manage..,offer, refuse, seem, etc...

4.2.7. With adjectives glap,happy, possible, sorry, pleased, dificult, easy , good, bad, important.

4.2.8. Examples

4.2.9. - I want to work with Dr. Laver

4.2.10. -Tim hopes to leave the stockroom soon

4.2.11. Helen decided to go out with Michal

4.2.12. Alice migth agree to change wards

5. Ivan Dario Sierra Vega 10-02