Tools used for doing all the works

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Tools used for doing all the works 저자: Mind Map: Tools used for doing all the works

1. Reflecting

1.1. Blog

1.2. Tablet

1.3. Avidemux

1.4. Movie Maker

1.5. Printer

1.6. Camera

1.7. Oppen Office

1.8. Mindmeinster

1.9. Flickr

1.10. Youtube

1.11. Knovio

1.12. Dinosauries

1.13. exploratree

2. Sharing

2.1. Facebook

2.2. Youtube

2.3. Blogger

2.4. Hotmail

2.5. Google Docs

2.6. Tuenti

2.7. Twitter

2.8. Slices

2.9. Flickr

2.10. Knovio

3. Reading

3.1. Read texts on the internet

3.2. Read documents that Linda give to us

3.3. Blog

3.4. Youtube

3.5. Oppen Office

3.6. SACAI

3.7. exploratree