TANGERANG (Sharfina Audrey R. - X MIPA 9)

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TANGERANG (Sharfina Audrey R. - X MIPA 9) 저자: Mind Map: TANGERANG (Sharfina Audrey R. - X MIPA 9)


1.1. Definition

1.1.1. Jami Kali Pasir Mosque is the oldest mosque in Tangerang and was a heritage from the Padjadjaran Kingdom.

1.2. General truth

1.2.1. This mosque is located on the riverbanks of Cisadane river. The unique thing about this mosque is that it has a typical Chinese building style.

1.3. Thesis statement

1.3.1. Another historical places in Tangerang is Pasar Lama and Benteng Heritage Museum.


2.1. Definition

2.1.1. Pasar Lama is an old public market in Tangerang.

2.2. General truth

2.2.1. It is located in the center of the city. Many people like this place because it sells many things in a more affordable price. It is also a culinary destination for those who likes street food. They sell various kinds of street food, such as otak-otak, chicken noodle, pickled fruits and many more.

2.3. Thesis statement

2.3.1. There is also another historical building located in Pasar Lama itself. It is called Benteng Heritage Museum.


3.1. Definition

3.1.1. Benteng Heritage Museum is the first chinese museum in Indonesia.

3.2. General truth

3.2.1. It is located in Pasar Lama. This museum is estimated to have been built in the 17th century. This museum symbolizes the history and culture of Chinese people. Inside the museum, you can find collections that describe the history of the Benteng Chinese people.

3.3. Final statement

3.3.1. Lastly, you should try visiting Tangerang because this city has a lot more to see than you think.

4. Definition

4.1. Tangerang is a city in the province of Banten, and part of the greater Jakarta metropolitan area.

5. General truth

5.1. Tangerang City is used to be called 'Kota Benteng' or 'Fortress City', because this city is used to be a Dutch colonial fortress back in the 17th century.

6. General truth

6.1. Tangerang is mainly the commuter city of Jakarta. The vast majority of the city consists of new and modern housing developments and numerous industrial buildings. Jakarta's main international airport, Soekarno-Hatta, is also located in Tangerang.

7. Thesis statement

7.1. Although this city is considered for its industrial/business purposes, meaning that there's simply 'nothing' to see there, the city actually has a lot of interesting and historical places, such as Jami Kali Pasir Mosque, Pasar Lama, and Benteng Heritage Museum.