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diagnosis 저자: Mind Map: diagnosis

1. making friends as adults is difficult which can be a struggle for many of us in our late twenties and thirties and onwards it takes a combination of emotional and logistical work to do so

2. The options, about who and whether to marry, where to plant roots, what job to take, to have or not have children, how to spend the money that you may or may not have, take on additional complexity, as we probably assume more responsibility and gravity.

3. No matter how wonderful your job or career is, no matter how carefully you planned and designed it, every career has its drawbacks. Whether it's worldliness in managing everything, the daily commute you have to make to get to your dream job, the time away from your family

3.1. veces muchos de nosotros podemos sentirnos solos en la lucha de ser parte o alejarnos de un sistema familiar en el que no queremos estar. Si estás luchando con esto problema, sepa que no está solo y considere explorar mi curso en línea exclusivo, Familias duras, Buenos límites . Está lleno de recursos y herramientas para ayudarlo a navegar por familias difíciles.

3.1.1. It becomes our responsibility as adults to define what gives meaning to our lives.

4. expenses for school supplies The responsibilities of adult life can often be overwhelming, stressful, and chaotic, making you feel like you're just fixing everything as you go.

4.1. Most of our lives are full of worldliness. It just doesn't make it to social media.

4.1.1. loneliness can find you at any time. And loneliness is such a difficult thing. It is a constant tension that we navigate as human beings, yearning to be in contact but ultimately separated and trying to cope with this often painful reality.

5. When we make decisions, doors that were previously open are closed to us. There may come a time when you see doors that are no longer available to you and feel sad and frustrated about the paths you did not take.

5.1. Most people know how to fall in love, how to daydream about a new love, but when the fire of passion dies down, most of us struggle with what comes next: how to live with another human being day after day. , year after year, trying to love him, trying to work out differences while putting up with all his quirks, preferences, triggers

5.2. loving is in our own emotions

6. We develop certain types of patterns and behaviors around food, money, sex, and relationships from those early experiences. And, for many of us, those patterns we learned may one day stop working as well.