This essay seeks to study how Latour's key concepts from the text 'Down to Earth' is expressed in...

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This essay seeks to study how Latour's key concepts from the text 'Down to Earth' is expressed in the design of a product design school. 저자: Mind Map: This essay seeks to study how Latour's key concepts from the text 'Down to Earth' is expressed in the design of a product design school.

1. Migration

1.1. Sense of Belonging

2. Politics

3. Notions

3.1. Raising Awareness on Material Wastage

3.1.1. Strategy 1: Implementing recycling/upcycling of materials in the curriculum

3.1.2. Strategy 2: Exhibition which allows for the public to learn and read up on the final products of the students, hence gaining more information on the issue of material wastage.

3.2. Lack of Opportunities for Interaction

3.2.1. Strategy 1: Main collaborative zone in the center atrium serves as the natural gathering point of the entire school. Located: 2nd Storey

3.2.2. Strategy 2: All rooms/spaces are only accessible through the centralized corridor space - naturally allows for students to pass by each other

4. Globalization (and Economy)

5. Climate Change

5.1. Environmental Impact

5.1.1. Pollution from Transportation of Materials Strategy 1: Implementation of urban farming to help clean the indoor air Strategy 2: Use of more locally sourced materials

5.2. Material Wastage

5.2.1. Recycling & Upcycling of Materials Strategy 1: The materials used in the student’s learning experience are salvaged and repurpose, and it can also used within the interior design of the building.

5.3. Closed Loop Cycle

5.3.1. Symbiosis Human-human Strategy 1: Programming within the building - an intertwined loop organization which provides autonomous zones for the different stages of study (Ideation -> Prototyping -> Manufacturing -> Exhibiting/Showcasing). Strategy 2: Providing an atrium space/main collaborative zone(meeting point) and learning space for students across different pillars of study to come together work together/learn from each other. Nature-human Strategy 1: Foster a symbiotic relationship with the environment, where the environment in turn, helps to keep the building going - the autonomous zones within the 3 cuffs contain the different stages of a closed loop urban farming which helps clean the air, and also serves as a learning material for students as well (students can learn about the material of the tree and the tree can also be harvested to be used in their curriculum, and replanted).

5.3.2. Materials

5.3.3. Ecology of Nature & Humans