Leadership - The ability to motivate a team towards a common goal and to inspire others.

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Leadership - The ability to motivate a team towards a common goal and to inspire others. 저자: Mind Map: Leadership - The ability to motivate a team towards a common goal and to inspire others.

1. Communication

1.1. Reflection

1.2. Listening

2. Supportive

2.1. Support learning of all participants

2.2. Facilitate a trusting environment where everyone feels part of the team

2.3. Fill in roles when needed

3. Commitment

3.1. To staff

3.2. To students/Families

3.3. To team

3.4. To goals outlined by the team

4. Passionate/Inspiriational

4.1. Driven to meet goal

4.2. Invested in the team

4.3. Inspires others

5. Collaboration

5.1. Teamwork

5.2. Patience

5.3. Balance

5.4. Support

5.5. Understanding

5.6. Listening

6. Honesty

6.1. Openness

6.2. Vulnerability

7. Problem Solver

7.1. Knowledge of team and own skills

7.2. Creates conducive environment to solve problems

7.3. Play on team's strengths