No Health Condition "Healthy Person"

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No Health Condition "Healthy Person" 저자: Mind Map: No Health Condition "Healthy Person"

1. Environmental

1.1. Stay positive

1.2. Good body image

1.2.1. Positive Mindset

1.2.2. Motivating facotrs

1.3. Think good thoughts about others

2. Eating

2.1. Balanced Diet

2.1.1. Keto diet

2.1.2. Mediterranean Diet

2.2. Not a lot of sugar

2.3. Start out with a good breakfast

3. Stress

3.1. Displays Resiliency

3.2. Overcomes Obstacles

4. Personality

4.1. Culture

4.1.1. religion

4.1.2. Spirituality

4.2. Social Determinants

5. Sleeping

5.1. Getting enough sleep

5.1.1. Tiredness

5.2. Not sleeping too much

5.2.1. acute illnesses

5.3. No lights while sleeping

5.4. 6-8 hours

6. Exercise

6.1. Staying active

6.2. at least 30 minutes a day

6.3. Cardio

7. Coping Skills

7.1. Health Compromising behaviors

7.1.1. smoking illness

7.1.2. Alcohol Use

7.1.3. bad choices Continued drug use Negative Sexual Promecuity cronic illnesses

7.2. Health Enhancing Behaviors

7.2.1. self care