
vocabulary, cooking, food words, flavours, tastes

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Cooking 저자: Mind Map: Cooking

1. verbs

1.1. preparing

1.1.1. chop ~onions

1.1.2. slice ~ a cucumber

1.2. cooking

1.2.1. roast ~a chicken

1.2.2. grill ~the sausages

2. flavours

2.1. sweet

2.2. sour

2.3. savoury

3. useful phrases

3.1. a pinch of salt

4. tastes

4.1. positive words

4.1.1. yummy

4.1.2. d

4.2. negative words

4.2.1. yucky

4.2.2. d

5. proverbs and sayings about cooking

5.1. Too many cooks spoil the broth. = Viel Köche verderben den Brei.

6. ingredients

6.1. meat

6.1.1. pork

6.1.2. b

6.1.3. ch

6.1.4. l

6.2. vegetables

6.3. fruit

6.4. dairy products

6.4.1. cottage cheese

6.5. spices

6.6. herbs

7. kitchen appliances

7.1. a whisk

7.2. a spatula

8. dishes

8.1. American ~

8.1.1. Chicken and Waffles

8.1.2. Scrapple

8.2. German ~

8.2.1. Himmel und Erde

8.3. Italian

8.3.1. Lasagna

8.4. Arabian

8.4.1. shawarma/doner kebab

9. cuisines

9.1. Italian

9.2. Arabian

9.3. German

9.4. Turkish

9.5. Indian