LearnJazz.Online 24/7/365

LearnJazz.Online is the platform between excellent jazz musicians and improvisation teachers and students who are seriously interested in improving themselves. The core of LearnJazz.Online is to build the online bridge between good, accessible teachers and their students by being an excellent digital "showcase". First in the Netherlands, then internationally. You will be included in our marketing and advertising.

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LearnJazz.Online 24/7/365 저자: Mind Map: LearnJazz.Online 24/7/365

1. Social Media

1.1. Hootsuite

1.1.1. Facebook

1.1.2. Instagram

1.1.3. Linkedin

2. Affiliate marketing

3. Webshop

3.1. CD's

3.2. Courses

3.2.1. Video's

3.2.2. Live

3.3. Lessons

3.3.1. Masterclasses

3.3.2. Private

3.4. Lesson materials