
Energy Concept Map

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Energy 저자: Mind Map: Energy

1. what the energy changes into

2. Transformations

2.1. Conduction

2.1.1. Insulators

2.1.2. Conductors

2.2. Convection

2.2.1. Fluids

2.2.2. Gas

2.3. Radiation

2.3.1. EM waves

2.3.2. Nuclear

3. Measured in Joules

3.1. Q=C*M*ΔT (heat energy)(mass)(change in temperature)

4. the unit used to find energy

5. The law of how energy works.

6. Types

6.1. Kinetic

6.1.1. Specific heat

6.1.2. 1/2 mv2

6.1.3. Temperature

6.1.4. mechanical

6.2. Potential

6.2.1. Stored

6.2.2. Chemical

6.2.3. mgh

6.2.4. motion

7. Law of Conservation of Energy

7.1. Water can produce electricity. Water falls from the sky, converting potential energy to kinetic energy. Also saying that energy can not be created nor destroyed. It can only convert from one form of energy to another.