Laughter Out of Place Chapters 6 and 7

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Laughter Out of Place Chapters 6 and 7 저자: Mind Map: Laughter Out of Place Chapters 6 and 7

1. Goldstein

1.1. Sexual teasing and banter are common in Felicidade Eterna.

1.2. Transgression seems to be patterned by traditional gender relations, with men being expected to act as trangressors and women playing the role of "boundary setters" (p. 233).

1.3. The divisions within Brazilian feminism served to taint any feminism that addressed issues of sexuality in ways that echoed North American versions at the time (p. 235).

1.4. Scholarly anthropological works produced during the same time period were devoted to exploring the more permissive and carnivalesque aspects of Brazilian sexuality and not as interested in the more normaltive aspects of traditional gender relations (p. 235).

1.5. Popular humor is an expresson of discontent that is rarely given much importanceas a counterdiscourse among the more standard sex-positive discourses that are heard everyday (p. 235).

1.6. Metaphors about food and eating were often used to express ideas of sexuality (p. 236).

1.6.1. Eating (males) vs. being eaten (females) (p. 242)

1.7. Male infidelity is disliked but perceived as part of normal male behavior (p. 238).

1.8. Class specific regimes of sexuality exist (p. 242).

1.9. Boy are encouraged and expected to become seducers (p. 243).

1.10. Women, in order to remian "good women" are expected to attain their earlu sexual experiences directly from their male partners and experience them as vigins (p. 245).

1.11. For some, it was fun, for others it became a point of contention because men seem to request it, where as women expressed it (p. 247).

1.12. Without the institutionalized and juridicial mechanisms available to the middle and upper classes, poor women are left as guardians against a socially constructed transgressive male sexuality (p. 257).

1.13. Young teenagers have sexual desires and have relationships with older, powerful males (p. 257).

1.14. The stories of were a way for sexuality, violence and female victimization to be dealth with through humor (p. 264).

2. Humor

2.1. Laughter (p. 227)

2.1.1. About their own sexuality

2.1.2. Out of Place Marilia putting rat poison in Celso's drink in attempt to kill him (p. 263). Duque de Caxias Gloria

3. Theories

3.1. Parker

3.1.1. While sexual life in North America or Europe has been treated as an essentially individual phenomenon, in Brazil it has also emerged as a central issue at a social or cultural level and has been taken, for better or for worse, as a kind of ley to the peculiar nature of Brazilian reality (p. 228).

3.1.2. Building on Fry's lower class model illustrated how the structures of activity and passivity are used to genderize, eroticize and categorize the Brazilian sexual univers (p. 233).

3.1.3. Sacanagem is the linking "notions of aggressions and hostility, play and amusement, sexual excitement and erotic practice in a signle symbolic complex" (p. 246).

3.2. Peter Fry

3.2.1. Male homosexuality in Brazil consisted of two distinct types, an upper class model and a lower class model. Upper class model was an import from Western Europe and North American that adheres to a concept of homeosexuality connects one's sexual and social identity with one's sexual object choice. The lower class version recognized the categories of men and "faggots" (p. 233).

3.3. James Green

3.3.1. Suggests that subcultures of effeminare and noneffeminiare men with homoerotic desires existed prior to the introduction of Western Europe ideas (p. 233).

3.4. Sonia Alverez

3.4.1. 2 distinct feminisms emerged during the period of military dictatorship; one that would ultimately be invited to join the left in its attempt to reorganize the country and another that became perceived as the struggle of bourgeois lesbians against men ans was considered unacceptable and alien (p. 234).

3.4.2. Argues that the women's movement in Brazil positioned itself self-consciously in relation to the politics of public and private sphere (p. 235).

3.5. Bordo

3.5.1. Notes 2 waves of Foucauldian influenced feminism which called for the analysis of subversion must be linked to an analytics of gendered power relations, enabling the examination of consistent forms of genered social control (p. 237).

3.6. Kate Soper

3.6.1. Argues Foucault's genealogy of ethics is centered around the desire and comportment of elite male citizens and it limits addressing sexual abuse (p. 251).

3.7. Caroline Ramazanoglu

3.7.1. Argues Foucault's version of social constructionism ultimately helped to liberate feminists from the "stink of biological essentialism" but did not really add much to how feminists understand the body from the vantage point of subordinate women's lived experiences (p. 252)

4. Brazilian Sexuality

4.1. Used as a key metaphor used in their everyday language and description of almost all aspects of social life (p. 228).

4.2. Brazilians have an open, permissive approach to sexuality (p. 229).

4.3. Womens' movement

4.4. Sacanagem is an important organizing concept in Brazlian sexuality (p. 246).

5. Brazilian Class

5.1. Upper/Middle Class

5.2. Low/Working Class

5.2.1. Felicidade Eterna The women had 2 major complaints about male privilege - men are inadequate economic providers and are likely to foll around no matter their stable partner is (p. 238). Gloria Zezinho Soneca Lucas Darlene The Sergeant Eliana - worked as a sex worker used boyfriends to get what she wanted (p. 241). Alzira - man threatened her with death if she did not have his baby (p. 252) Adreiana Sarlete Marilia - abused by step father (p. 253) Dona Darcilene Isadora - step father wanted her at 9 years old. He was waiting for her to grow up so he could have his way with her, but she left before he could (p. 255).