Marketing And Development

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Marketing And Development 저자: Mind Map: Marketing And Development

1. Phase One: Brand Development and recognition

1.1. Shopping Centre Outrach

1.2. Aged care and Community Expos

1.3. Interagency Meetings

1.4. Local RAS and ACAT Meeting Attendance

1.5. LASA Meetings

1.6. ACON Connection

1.7. Infopack Development

1.8. New Brochure Development

1.9. Clean up of Care path

2. Phase Two: Client and Community Connection

2.1. Community Education and Out reach Days - With Local Politicians, Sports clubs and local Celebrities

2.2. Connecting with COMPACKS Clients

2.3. Community Advertising

2.4. Aged care and Community Expos

2.5. Maintaining Stakeholder contacts

3. Phase Three: Client Base Development

3.1. Word of Mouth Sign on's

3.2. Using Good will with ACAT and Local Politicians For New Clients

3.3. Develop Referral Relationship with Local GP's and hospitals

3.4. Develop Referral Relationship with Local Allied Health

3.5. Reach out to smaller CHSP providers

3.6. Reach out to local community groups and develop referral relationship

4. Phase 4: community Development

4.1. Info Days on issues impacting clients with Experts

4.2. Monthly Newsletter development

4.3. Youtube Channel For info videos Linked to new website

4.4. Community Radio

4.5. Instagram - Selfies with The C (care) Team

4.6. Explore TIK TOK

5. Phase 5: Growth and Maintenance